Edge International

Edge Solutions

Governance Structure

Many law firms find that the structure of their firm was designed some years ago at a time when the involvement of all partners or members was the norm and in which it was expected that all decisions could be made consensually. 

As firms have grown and evolved, their need for more advanced methods of governance have developed.  The start-up firm in a creative phase needs little by way of management system.  Such firms are entrepreneurially oriented and talented people drive the firm forward through hard work.  In a more adolescent phase, the firm can usually be managed by consensus and the leadership abilities of the movers and shakers.  Progress can often, however, become stultified because nobody has sufficient time to get the firm better organised. As the firm increases in maturity and size, consensus become even more impossible and firms have needed to professionalise the governance and management model by the appointment of managing partners, Committees and professional managers.

We can assist firms to face the current demands and challenges of the modern professional services firm in a rapidly changing world: