RainMaking® Self-Contained Program
How, exactly, does the program work?
This particular training effort is designed to be completely self-contained, such that it can become your firm’s own internal program, led by your own professionals and capable of transferring skills that already exist within your firm. There are more than 300 legal and accounting firms throughout the world, ranging in size from small boutiques to firms of 1000’s of professionals who have used or are using this program. The fourteen skill-building modules contained in this program include workbook materials, a leader’s facilitation guide, on-site coaching of your internal leaders and ongoing implementation assistance.
There are several valuable results which the program is designed to achieve:
- It transfers the knowledge and skills about client relations from your senior professionals to your younger practitioners. This program is predicated on the realization that for most firms, 10% of your firm’s professionals already possess exceptional client relations skills. The key is transferring this know-how and skill to the majority of your people.
- It shortens the learning curve by speeding up development of client relations and marketing skills in its participants. The client relations skills it traditionally took ten or more years to acquire through trial and error can now be developed far more quickly.
- Your own professionals and/or internal support people can deliver the training without the need for outside consultants or “experts.”
- Outside experts rarely know enough about you professionals, your firm, your clients, or your competitors. Since this program is led internally, your people will be far more candid and open about real situations and opportunities where they may exist.
- It compliments other marketing programs your firm already has in place such as mentoring, individual marketing plans, industry niche marketing, and total quality management programs. This program does not pretend to be the only solution to your firm’s client challenges, but it does address the neglected area of client relations skills training for your professionals.
- This program is highly considerate of practitioners time. There is no pre-reading or post reading required of participants for each one hour session. And, our leaders (within user firms) tell us that on average they only spend about 20 minutes preparing to lead a session.
- It is highly flexible and modular so it can be delivered the way you want, when you want it, consistent with your firm’s needs, time demands and culture.
- It’s not a cookie-cutter training program. We suggest that one one-hour session be held every month. If time demands on your professionals are such that an hour per month is too much, then schedule sessions less frequently. It’s always your judgment call, not ours.
For more information, contact Gerry Riskin.