Edge International

Articles by Mike White

Client Expansion & Client Teams: An Essential Tool in the Growth Toolbox

Client Expansion & Client Teams: An Essential Tool in the Growth Toolbox

Law firms often struggle with cross-selling due to barriers like poor client intelligence and internal resistance, requiring a strategic approach to expand relationships and capture new opportunities.

The Mid-Sized Full Service Commercial Firm “Playbook”

The Mid-Sized Full Service Commercial Firm “Playbook”

As the legal industry continues its multi-decade embrace of operating scale (bigger is better, or at least more efficient!), what does this trend mean for commercial firms that don’t choose to anchor their success to hiring more lawyer bodies across which to allocate their fixed costs?

The Client Bear Hug

The Client Bear Hug

The Client Bear Hug Since law firms became professionally managed businesses, the profit-generating flywheel of firms has kicked into higher gear. While correlation ≠ causation, law firm financial performance is exceeding all 12-15 year old expectations of market watchers. With so much financial success in the rearview mirror, how do ambitious firms capture new revenue […]

Client Growth: Use a Client’s Vocabulary and not a Lawyer’s Vocabulary

Client Growth: Use a Client’s Vocabulary and not a Lawyer’s Vocabulary

All law firms express a genuine intent to become more relevant to their clients by handling more of their legal work. So why do so many firms fall well short of stated goals for existing client growth?

Remote Work and Firm Culture: More Than Just Foosball Tables and Kegs!

Remote Work and Firm Culture: More Than Just Foosball Tables and Kegs!

The biggest chokepoint in firms these days is the inability to align most lawyers- particularly younger lawyers- around behaviors that keep their firm most healthy.

Recruitment & Retention: Deliver a “Signature” Career Experience!

Recruitment & Retention: Deliver a “Signature” Career Experience!

Delivering a signature career experience is not about slogans and breezy conclusions. Rather, it is expressed through the plumbing or inputs the firm deploys to help firm lawyers experience extraordinary career long success.

Why is Law Firm Strategy So Hard?

Why is Law Firm Strategy So Hard?

How can law firms pick the right spots? How can they transform their business model and service delivery in intelligent ways without getting out over their skis?

How Can You Reach and Recruit Diverse Lawyers?

How Can You Reach and Recruit Diverse Lawyers?

Why can’t firms win more than their fair share of recruiting battles for diverse lawyers, and why is this important? For one thing, culture matters to all lawyers – both diverse and non-diverse lawyers.

Move the Goalposts and Make Prospect Risk Aversion Your Friend

Move the Goalposts and Make Prospect Risk Aversion Your Friend

Whether you’re a strategy consulting firm or a law firm, “difference in kind” persuasion requires big “goalpost moving”- you’re going to need to get prospects to look at their problem and the opportunity fundamentally different from the way they are likely looking at it when they present it to you. If you “move the goalposts” you win; if you allow them to lazily accept the framing they brought with them before talking to consultants you likely won’t win.

Partners: Escape Velocity Begins Now!

Partners: Escape Velocity Begins Now!

Well thankfully, it’s a new year! As you do all that you can to reach “escape velocity” and set the table for great things in Q3 and Q4, I caution my clients to make a psychological commitment to put things in motion now to create a rich set of opportunities later in the year.